Melbourne Design Week in Ballarat - Designing Growing Regional Hubs as Cultural Centres

Last month we were pleased to present Designing growing regional hubs as cultural centres – a special panel event hosted in partnership with Melbourne Design Week at the Art Gallery of Ballarat.

Alongside Plus Architecture Director Ian Briggs, a selection of leading industry names and 60+ special guests came together to foster conversations about how the architecture, engineering and construction industry can work together to support the sustainable growth of Victoria’s regional cities.

As we emerge from the pandemic and gear up for the Commonwealth Games, regional cities like Ballarat are re-establishing themselves as vibrant and creative places to live, work and play. The Melbourne Design Week event was a unique opportunity to discuss we can design these spaces to truly ‘work’ for residents, visitors, businesses, and government, now and into the future.

Heritage, planning and economic considerations emerged as key agenda issues, as panellists looked towards regional destinations in Victoria, interstate and overseas to understand what makes a thriving regional centre that supports quality cultural, work and lifestyle experiences for all.

Panellists further touched on current proposed developments in Ballarat including our Ballarat Station Southside Precinct project, a landmark regeneration mixed-use destination planned to become a cornerstone of the city's urban revitalisation. ⁠

“To deliver regional cities that celebrate coming together, and encourage people to visit, stay and engage with what the city has to offer, we need to have an open dialogue about challenges like urban revitalisation, heritage conservation and broader planning considerations. The process of building cities with cultural hearts should always be collaborative, every step of the way.” - Ian Briggs, Director, Plus Architecture

Thank you to our guests and our speakers:

• Ian Briggs - Director, Plus Architecture

• Nat Anson - Director, Urbis

• Joseph van Dyk - Director, Hygge Property

• Martin Turnor - Associate Director, Bryce Raworth Conservation & Heritage

• Roger Permezel - id Hotels Advisory

Keep an eye out for future events as we look forward to hosting more insightful discussions with leading experts about designing spaces that empower and inspire.⁠

Learn more about Plus Architecture’s Ballarat Station Southside Precinct regeneration here.